North Eastway Drive, Pontiac MI📍.


“Why do the pretty girls end up with the bad guy, bad guy?”

-Kiana Lede


Past and Present.


“Planting gardens, in graves”


a few blocks over…

Michigan Ave, Pontiac MI📍


In today's generation, many women are blinded and naive to a person's history, and more times than none, they end up taking the bullet or doing time for that individual. "Blinded" is a narrative that explores real life and what seems to appear as real. Hence, the contrast between the color, documentary-style photographs, and the black and white studio photographs. I was inspired to create this series to honor these two women who lost their lives barely a month apart and within 1 mile of each other based on their association with the wrong individuals. I also want to raise awareness of this dominant issue in today's society through image-making.